Treatment options of focal chondral lesions of the knee
EmÃdio M. F. F. Silva
Aim: Review the pathogenesis, aetiology and mainly the treatment options of focal chondral lesions of the knee.
Data sources: A survey was conducted in several s, including Cochrane Library, Bandolier, DARE, TRIP , PubMed, ScienceDirect and Ebsco, with articles published between 1940 and 2010.
Data synthesis: Hyaline cartilage is an important structure in joints. Unfortunately, when injured is unable to regenerate due to an inherent lack of vascular supply. Currently, a wide range of options are available to treat articular cartilage lesions in the knee, ranging from conservative measures through various types of surgical options. The end result of these methods is usually a fibrous repair tissue (fibrocartilage), which lacks the biomechanical characteristics of hyaline cartilage.
Conclusions: Treatment decisions (conservative or surgical) should be based on appropriate evaluation, classification of the pathology and also its features and patient’s expectations.
Keywords: articular cartilage; knee injuries; chondral defects; focal chondral defects; arthroscopy; debridement; mosaicplasty; chondrocyte implantation