Knee and Shoulder Clinic: Physiotherapy

Knee and Shoulder Clinic: Physiotherapy

Carried out periodically and, if necessary, associated with anti-inflammatory treatment, physiotherapy is a complex process that seeks to reintegrate patients in their regular daily activities or sports practices, maximizing their capacities. 

In specific areas such as the shoulder or the knee, it is essential that physiatrists and physiotherapists master the treatment of the pathologies completely, and are able to correctly assess the extent of the injuries as well as the individual's response to the prescribed therapy.
Fundamental parameters towards a complete rehabilitation

Fundamental parameters towards a complete rehabilitation

Our team’s work towards a complete rehabilitation of the patients is based on three fundamental parameters: 
Effective communication
— Communication is the basis of a good coordination not only among physicians but also with other professionals involved in the treatment process, and the key to assessing and correcting initially adopted protocols in a timely manner, if needed. 
Experience and differentiation
— When treating high-performance athletes, a complete knowledge of the specifics of their pathologies is a necessity. Only with a regular study of each case and contact with the athletes can the professionals collect relevant data. 
Available technical resources
— Thermotherapy (heat or cold therapy) 
— Electrotherapy (Functional electrical stimulation, galvanic current, ultrasound therapy, shortwave frequency, micro-wave frequency, etc.) 
— Laser
— Kinesiotherapy (therapy through movement)
— Mechanotherapy (pulleys, quadriceps rehabilitation chair, cycloergometer, treadmill) 
— Joint manipulation
— Hydrocinesitherapy and Hydro Massage
— Our swimming pool is an asset when it comes to treat osteoarticular pathologies, particularly of the knee and shoulder 
— Shockwave therapy system - useful when treating calcific tendinitis of the rotator cuff and other enthesopathies.